A way to give family caregivers a temporary, short-term break from their caregiver duties
The Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience
(GUIDE) model offers a comprehensive package
of services to improve the quality of life for
people with dementia as well as reduce the
strain on their caregivers.
Do You Qualify for the GUIDE Program?
Primary Insurance: Traditional Medicare must be the primary insurance.
Exclusion from Managed Plans: Applicants should not be enrolled in a managed Medicare Insurance Plan.
Medical Documentation: There must be documented evidence in the applicant’s health record indicating dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or cognitive impairment.
Residence Requirements: The applicant should not reside in a long term skilled nursing facility.
Hospice and Special Plans: Applicants should not be enrolled in hospice, a Special Needs Plan, or PACE (Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly).